I'm looking forward to seeing Hairspray. I remember seeing the original with Ricki Lake on TV when I was younger and I actually really liked it. Maybe some day Greg and I will actually see the play too . . .
I'm also excited to see and read Harry Potter, although there will be no refreshing of my memory by re-reading the 6th book. I'll probably wait and see if someone in Greg's family gets the book and read it after the hype has settled some.
So I have this big box of postcards, which I like to collect when I go to new places or when people I know go to new places. I was thinking while on vacation a couple weeks ago that I'd like to do something with them besides keep them in a box. I saw these photo racks at Pottery Barn that look like they'd be a nice way to display postcards:

(The one on the right appears to be sold out. Last I saw, it was on sale).
I'm reluctant to really buy anything postcard rack-ish though because it has limited uses. What would I do with it once I got tired of it?
Also, LiveJournal's picture insert tool is being weird and ghetto. I had to do the HTML by hand. Boo.