While on our California trip, a little mishap occurred when the kitties were, for all intents and purposes, locked out of the laundry room (the door being closed and them having neither the height nor the opposable thumbs with which to open said door) where their litter box resides. Due to the unfortunate aforementioned circumstances, kitties had no other choice but to utilize the rest of our house for their bodily functions. The hands-down favorite alternative to the inaccessible litter box? Our new sofa + chaise.
- Microfiber cushions stripped, washed, and air dried? Oui oui, mon ami.
- Down layer stripped, washed, dryer dried, and bake-in-the-sun dried? Si, senor.
- Foam core sprayed with enzyme action pet cleaner? Indeed, my friends.
The challenge is not to take the cushions OUT of the covers, but to put them back INTO the covers. The house, due to active couch cleaning efforts, has been in disarray, much to Greg's dismay.

Good news though! We're finally done washing cushions and covers and are ready to (attempt to) reassemble the couch. So don't worry,
Brad&Tara, the house is scheduled to be back in Greg-shape by this Saturday.
Except for my craft room. Which I will state here and now, will only be cursorily straightened, but not cleaned.