- She likes to be held while bouncing on the exercise ball.
- It makes me feel like a bad parent when I try to put her down for a nap and can't get her to fall asleep, but . . .
- Swaddling really does seem to help when I'm putting her down for a nap or to sleep, per The Happiest Baby on the Block. It seems most effective if she's not already too worked up, awake, or fussy, otherwise she's too hard to swaddle.
- I'm afraid of her not being able to sleep through the night by the time I go back to work. Several nights, she's been able to do roughly four-hour stretches after the 11:00ish feeding at night. Now I have to figure out how to get her to do two of those back-to-back.
- Since I see her everyday, I can't tell how much she is growing, but both my mom and my dad commented that she has grown. I can tell, however, that her cheeks look chubbier.
- I feel like we haven't been taking enough pictures of her. There's not been a ton of down time with the move and such. We haven't taken any newborn pictures (like a photo shoot), but we plan to take some pictures next weekend. She'll be a month old - already? Time passes fast and slow at the same time, if that makes any sense.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Evie at 3 Weeks Old
Evie is 3 weeks old as of this past Sunday.