Monday, March 5, 2012

Evie at 9 Months

Evie turned 9 months at the end of February.

Hiking on South Mountain:

Sharing her pacifier with Greg:

Picture is a bit blurry, but look at that rug burn scab!

Reading a board book:


Greg being silly by climbing into the crib with Evie:

  • A second tooth popped out at the beginning of February.
  • She's started to move along the edges of furniture that she's using for support to stand up on.
  • I barely rock her at all when I put her down to sleep. She mostly goes down with no or minimal fussing, rolls around in her crib for a bit to get comfortable, and then falls asleep.
  • I ended up buying her a pair of black mary janes at Target. They are so cute! But then so are her feetsies . . . so then I'm torn on whether or not I should put them on her or let her go barefoot.
  • At daycare, she tried to put another baby's pacifier in her mouth. The horrors! I stopped her from doing it while I was there, but Greg told me to stop being a helicopter parent and that it probably happens all the time when I'm not there. But the problem is that I saw it. If I don't see it, then I don't care.
  • About halfway through the month, we saw that she's learned how to clap now!
  • Sometimes she sees me from across the room, gets a big smile on her face, and then crawls with such purpose to me. Makes me laugh.
  • We discovered towards the end of the month that she's getting her two top teeth in.
  • She had an incident at daycare on the 24th where she fell off a bouncer that she was probably crawling all over and ended up with a carpet burn on her nose. It looked red the day of, but then scabbed over the next day.
  • She's learned to play the keyboard on her walker with her face. Then she'll look at us after she does it to see if we think it's funny.
I don't know that these things necessarily happened in February, but I think at least since the new year:
  • Sometimes Greg makes a whimpering noise and Evie will share whatever she has in her hand with Greg (pacifier, piece of food, toy). She's gotten better at handing it over once Greg starts making the whimpering noise, but sometimes still has trouble actually letting it go.
  • When she drops something (toy, piece of food), she knows to look for it now, whether on the ground or on the tray of her high chair.
  • She makes a conscious effort to shake things in her hand, such as a rattling toy.
  • There's a toy that she likes, which rattles, and she found it under the bed. We fished it out from under the bed for her to play with it. While playing with it, Greg hid it from her briefly and when she didn't see it on the ground next to her, she started looking under the bed again.

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