I took Evie to her first dentist visit a couple of weeks ago. It was a short visit - at this age, all the dentist basically did was look at her teeth, brush them, apply some fluoride, and give me some advice for keeping her teeth clean and healthy. Evie was very good for the dentist (i.e., no freaking out), which I'm sure makes his job easier. Before the dentist came in, she got to play with "Nemo" and brush his teeth with the big tooth brush.

Instead of having Evie in a chair to look at her teeth, they had Evie sit in my lap and lay back for the dentist to take a look inside her mouth:

Afterwards, Evie came away with a little turtle squirt toy and a bouncy ball. (They've apparently lost their luster now that it's been a couple weeks . . . they are strewn about the house that somehow gets crazy messy during the week).