3/9/2014: In time-out earlier because she wouldn't put on her clothes. Greg took this picture from under the door. Ha.

3/11/2014: "It's my hat!" Good thing it was from the clean laundry pile.

3/22/2014: How she finally fell asleep after almost two hours of playing in bed by herself/with her stuffed animals, talking to Roo, falling off the bed and bumping her head while playing, and otherwise stalling bedtime.

3/23/2014: Literally red-handed. (She was playing with my red ink pad.)

3/26/2014: Um, how else do you eat a muffin if not in your birthday suit and a pink T-ball helmet? #thatshowsherolls

3/27/2014: Personalized creme-filled chocolate eggs, from #columbiacandykitchen

3/28/2014: They were handing out #bluebunny ice cream samples downtown earlier. Holla! You bet I scarfed that down during the one block walk to dinner.