Almost drifting off to sleep during tummy time.

Yawn. Just before this, he started laughing after falling asleep in my arms. I'm not a huge emoji person, but if I were . . . heart eyes emoji here.

Care for a spot of tea?

Yes, I will gladly take a view of baby feet while on a stroll in the neighborhood.

- He's slowly getting better neck control and keeping his pacifier in. Still a ways to go, but better.
- Sometimes his lower lip quivers, we're not sure why, but I think it's funny.
- Though he still sleeps a lot, it's not as much as the first couple of weeks. He is a bit more awake during the day now (partly with some encouragement on our part to be more awake during the day than at night).
- At the beginning, I was sleeping in the same room as Parker in the middle of the night because he was up so much. It's stabilized some that I don't need to do that anymore. He still gets up every 2-3 hours to nurse, but will generally go back to sleep, which means I can go back to sleep in our room. Some nights, it's easier than others to get him to go back to sleep after night feedings though. In those cases, I think to myself, Gah. GO TO SLEEP, BABY. It makes me think of this book, but to be fair, we feel that way with Evie's bedtime some nights too.
- I found this out earlier than now, but he doesn't like to get swaddled and gets angry (which makes him more awake and interferes with him actually going to sleep). Evie, in contrast, slept better when swaddled.
- No issues with nursing for the past couple of weeks - just took a bit of getting used to on his part. Although, I am a bit concerned that I should've started pumping before this week to get a stockpile going before going back to work . . . :/