Nina likes to sit on Greg's lap, with or without Parker, whether or not Parker was there first. Though in this case, she was there first, and Parker came after. With Evie, I don't think she came around at all if Evie was with Greg, so this seems like an improvement in tolerating a baby/child.

Sleeping with the new guy in my life. Ha.

Tummy time

I was waiting for the water in the shower to warm up so that I could give Evie a shower, and had put Parker on the bed. I noticed after I was done showering Evie that she had covered Parker with her blankie and put her Roo next to him. Cute!

- This week has mostly just been routine - eat, sleep, diaper. Some awake time thrown in.
- I'm fan of the cooing that he sometimes does. And his chunky baby thighs.
- I take back what I said about swaddling before. He didn't seem to like it or it didn't work very well at the beginning, but I decided to give swaddling another try this past week, and it did have a positive effect with Parker's sleeping now. Hooray! I'm trying to get him on a sleeping schedule-ish, to the extent that it's possible right now.
Not a Parker observation, but I read this article someone wrote: 20 Things No One EVER Tells You About Giving Birth. Truth. Especially #16, 17, 18, and 19. I didn't experience certain things because I had a C-section both times, but I've had friends mention #10, 13, and 14. Before I had Evie, I'd heard about #10 and 14 from people who already had kids and I was like, WHAT. (Though I ended up not having that experience personally).