Downward dog:

Holding his own bottle:

Taking a nap during camping:

In the camping hammock during camping, although I don't remember if he was in the process of laughing or crying in this picture, because he did both in the hammock:

- Started getting his two bottom teeth over Labor Day weekend.
- Sort of crawls. It's more like army crawling, although he drags his left leg and crawls mostly with his right leg. He's getting faster at the sort-of crawling too.
- Started weaning him and introducing formula.
- He can hold his own bottles now.
- It's cute how he frequently crosses his feet at the ankles when he is sitting in his carseat.
- After Chinese school one Sunday, we stopped to have dinner at a restaurant. Parker had a huge, messy pooplosion. There was poop all over him and the carseat (blech) and in the process of cleaning him up, he was quite unhappy, so he ended up putting his foot in his poopy diaper. After getting him all cleaned up, I left him undiapered for a bit while I finished cleaning around him (things that he got poop on), and he proceeded to pee into the air. It made me laugh, the whole "when it rains it pours" thing.
- Parker when on his first camping trip. We have bunk bed cots that we had Evie sleep on the top and Parker sleep on the bottom. The first night, Parker slept pretty well, but the next couple of nights after that, he kept waking up in the middle of the night, and it was hard to get him down to bed for the night. He wasn't used to not being confined to his crib, and kept wanting to crawl out, which I kept stopping him from doing because I didn't want him to fall out of the cot. One night, Greg put him to bed, and just let him have at it at bedtime, including letting him climb out of bed. Maybe I should've done that too and not be such a worrier.