Two things crossed my mind first with this picture, after the "awwww" that I feel as their mama. One, Parker can sit in a booster seat now! And two, how come it seems we get a weird smile out of Ms. Evelyn more often than not when she is trying to smile?!
I had a weird cold (some sort of virus?) last week. It involved five days of a sore throat, three days of fever at night, and it was mostly over by Sunday-ish. No coughing (not complaining). No congestion (also not complaining). No doctor's visit needed either because it cleared up by itself in a week, and what would they have done for me anyway? Not antibiotics, because people! That does nothing for viruses!
In any case, by the time the Pineapple Triangle AZ Share That You Care market rolled around last Saturday, I was still under the weather, but didn't want to put the organizers in a volunteer bind at the last minute, because that's rude, and ultimately, I still wanted to check out the market because I had never been.
I got a cute tank out of volunteering, and I also got a purse from Madalyn Nault Accessories at the market. I liked the two-snap detail of the purse, and that it is cross-body (more often now than before, I feel like I need to be hands-free when out).

The unique aspect of this particular market that interested me is that the vendors are required to donate part of their proceeds from the market to a charity of their choice. (And, as a sign of how nerdy Greg and I are, we started talking about what kind of controls the organizers have in place around the donating of proceeds to charity, but we don't have the answers to those questions. Heh).