I then forgot about it soon after, because when it finally arrived in July, I didn't know what it was until I opened it:

Ooh, so shiny and pretty . . . I'm not complaining about getting snail mail!
It's been over a month since I sat down and really did any crafting after a busy month of travel in August (both for work and for fun). Although I'm now getting into a busier time of year at work, I'm looking forward to finding some time to scrapbook this month. Last weekend, I printed a slew of 4x6 photos at the Costco photo center, including a bunch of photos of Parker as an infant. Shhhhhhh . . . that I haven't yet finished the set of Project Life baby photo pages that I started for Evelyn's first year . . . shhhhhhh. Oh, and I'm trying to tame the guilt I feel right now associated with not having blogged Parker's 11th and 12th months.