I feel a tad guilty that I never got around to blogging months 11 and 12 for him . . . I'll consider it a success that I did get through 10 months, plus all 12 months of photos (Parker's monthly photos).
There was a week in January that Parker was sick, so he was waking up every night for a couple hours and was pretty fussy while he was up (unless he was eating). He fell asleep on a pillow in our room for a short period one night:

He wanted to have the big polar bear from my mom in his bed:

Stuffing his face with chips at the book fair at Evelyn's school. This boy loves to eat.

Rode the bumper boats at Enchanted Island Amusement Park in Encanto Park. He didn't know what to do, so he just sat in the bumper boat while it puttered around. His expression is funny!

- Puts his hands on his hips, not with attitude, just because it's a new thing
- Loves playing any kind of ball
- Is very polite. Often says "thank you, mama" or "ah choo, mama" (his equivalent of "bless you")
- Can say a bunch of words (and recognizes more): mama, daddy (including in Chinese), get up, hold me (in Chinese), more (including in Chinese), cheese, sister (in Chinese), not nice, be nice, grandma, grandpa, eye, mouth, nose, doggy, cat (in Chinese), shiny, Moana, happy, thank you, no thank you, ball, bear (including in Chinese), need help, I see, my turn, shower (in Chinese), I love you (in Chinese), read
- Learned how to pucker his lips for kisses
- Gives us hugs if we pretend to cry
- Says "My Little Pony," but can't pronounce all the words, so he says, "Me me me me me" with the same intonations.
- Pointed out Dory by name when he saw the character. I didn't even know he knew Dory.
- Pretended to call Grandma, which I, of course, got on video and sent to Grandma, who very much enjoyed it.
- Imitates Statler and Waldorf laughing (they're the two old guys from the Muppets)
- Pretends to bite and be bitten with daddy, so that he can say, "No bite!"
- Asks to read, and especially likes Pout Pout Fish