I wasn't quite ready for it. I felt like he was still a baby! And, it kept him contained in the mornings because he didn't know how to get out of his crib yet. But in a twin size bed where there's no railings - all bets are off!
Part of the challenge in transitioning to a "big kid" bed from a crib is getting the kiddos to actually stay in bed. With Parker, as with Evie, we found him sleeping in awkward places and/or positions as a result of not staying in bed, such as . . .
At the top of the stairwell. Since he knew that he wasn't supposed to be out of bed, he didn't actually come downstairs (sometimes detection is escaped in this manner), but he eventually fell asleep there when he got tuckered out:

Half-off the bed. It was clear to us that he'd been out of bed, and tried to get back in bed, then ended up falling asleep not completely on the bed:

We've also found him asleep on the floor of his room, as well as in the hallway right outside of the master bedroom.
As an aside, I love footie pajamas on babies and toddlers. Aren't they so cute? I'll be sad when Parker outgrows them (whether from a size and/or preference perspective). In Phoenix, the season for footie pajamas is pretty much over considering that daytime temperatures are starting to heat up.